Gib Dodges A Bullet

June 10, 2009 at 9:18 am

There was a horrible idea circulated last month by Quentin Letts (documented on this blog) that Jacqui Smith would be bought off by being offered the Governor’s chair in Gibraltar. It’s become habit that after a few military types then the Rock is due a failed politician to lurk in […]

Downfall: EU Election Edition

June 9, 2009 at 2:30 am

This will be (almost certainly) the last comment on the EU elections – although the result in Northern Ireland may tempt TheEye out of that vow for one final snarl at the world. However this was spotted on Dizzy although hat-tips are doubtless deserved up the line (add to the […]

RIP: Bernard Barker

June 6, 2009 at 8:27 am

Now most kids want to be something – fireman, doctor, MEP (ha!) or….secret agent. You’d imagine that the life expectancy (hey, how many 007’s have there been) would be short but this one made it to 92 and had the scars to prove it. Former CIA agent Bernard Leon Barker, […]

It’s Official : Loonies Beat Doomed Labour

June 6, 2009 at 2:39 am

It may not have hit the mainstream news but you’ve got to chuckle that in St Ives Labour were beaten in the County Council elections by a candidate from the Official Monster Raving Loony Party. He didn’t win, but Lord Toby Jug, Cambridgeshire’s first Loony candidate, was celebrating his best […]

The Wreck Of The Nancy Lee

June 5, 2009 at 8:11 am

The day after the Euro and Local Elections, for everyone who wants to see the back of Gordoom, it is truly a day for rejoicing. So let’s all sing together A. LeClerq’s song “The Wreck of the Nancy Lee“: “I’ll tell you the tale of the Nancy Lee, The ship […]

Gordoom Appears As A Crop Circle

June 3, 2009 at 10:38 am

Just on the day when Hazel Blears sticks another knife in the back of the One Eyed Snot Gobbler it seems that he won’t go quietly. Gordoom has just surfaced as a crop circle in the form of a spineless jellyfish. The owners of the land in Oxfordshire have urged […]

Euro Predictions

June 3, 2009 at 4:56 am

TheEye is looking forward to the carnage of the Euro Elections. Various people have tagged TheEye for predictions but it is easier just to fisk this email from a co-conspirator and my good friend A. “So my predictions are : For the Euros, Labour down a lot, Tories down a […]

Bob Aisworth : MP And Traitor

June 3, 2009 at 3:19 am

This gate was built in the Tower of London by Edward I to provide a water gate to St Thomas’s Tower which was a royal residence. During the 17th Century its use was changed to bringing those accused of being traitors – including Anne Boleyn, Sir Thomas More and Queen […]

10…9…8…Countdown To GorDoom.

June 2, 2009 at 2:17 am

It is almost exactly 50 hours until the Beginning Of The End. The Götterdämmerung except that was of course the Twilight Of The Gods and Gordoom hardly qualifies as one of those. From the G.O.T we are reminded with a typically excellent picture as to how it’s going to turn […]

“Terrorist Attack” Or “Man-Caused Disaster”

May 24, 2009 at 10:09 pm

Janet “It’d better be this long when I get you home, sunshine” Napolitano is the Homeland Stupidity Secretary for Barack Hussein Obama. Oddly for one of Hussein’s appointees she appears to be a raving 24-carat fruitcake. Okay so are most of the others but at least the MSM haven’t discretely […]