Andy Burnham on “This Week”

July 2, 2010 at 6:00 pm

TheEye was out last night with fellow blogger St Crispin (who was in Gibraltar for the week throwing himself out of a Hercules) and afterwards struggled to make it home in time to live-blog Question Time and This Week. Lost house-keys didn’t help. Still, disaster was averted and the live-blog went ahead […]

Cavemen Caused Global Warming And Cooling

July 2, 2010 at 1:16 pm

The whole basis for the fashionable eco-charade is the self loathing of some humans. Take, for example, this marvellous discovery by the very readable Corrugated Soundbite of a group dedicated to removing the cancerous growth of humanity from the face of the Earth…one by one*. Mankind, they firmly believe, is […]

Al Gore – Sex Poodle (The Video)

July 1, 2010 at 11:06 pm

So who actually cares if it happened…this is just marvellous.

Question Time LiveBlog 1st July 2010

July 1, 2010 at 9:16 pm

Question Time tonight comes from Ipswich, parliamentary seat of Conservative Ben Gummer, son of John Gummer. On the panel tonight is the Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, the shadow home secretary Alan Johnson, Telegraph columnist Simon Heffer, Professor of Classics Mary Beard and social policy campaigner Dame Dr […]

A New Scottish First Minister Today

July 1, 2010 at 9:30 am

Following yesterday’s election by the Germany’s Federal Assembly of Christian Wulff as their new President, as is usual in these cases everyone shuffles up one position. What’s interesting is who replaces him as Premier of the northern German state of Lower Saxony.. It’s a not-very-German sounding chap by the name […]

07:30 1st July 1916

July 1, 2010 at 6:30 am

…I, that on my familiar hillSaw with uncomprehending eyesA hundred of Thy sunsets spillTheir fresh and sanguine sacrifice,Ere the sun swings his noonday swordMust say good-bye to all of this;-By all delights that I shall miss,Help me to die, O Lord. (The last poem of William Noel Hodgson, written just […]

Non-Jobs (An Occasional Series) Pt.543

June 30, 2010 at 9:32 am

The Lawn Tennis Association will get £26m of our money between 2009-13. It’s a wonderful investment…just when we thought we’d got rid of one miserable republican Scot in politics it seems we’ve got no choice but to suffer another one at Wimbledon.  And what results do we get for this […]

Mystery Of The Windmill That Didn’t Bark

June 30, 2010 at 9:07 am

…with apologies to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for the post title. But surely this is a mystery which can only be solved by Sherlock Holmes? An endangered red kite is found dead beneath an environmentally friendly windmill and yet its death is a mystery. The carcass of the rare red […]


June 30, 2010 at 7:56 am

If one more person within brick-throwing range of TheEye gets an iPhone there may be trouble. And if you really must have one, disable the email footer which says “sent from my iPhone“. It makes you look like a poser tool. To the regular commenter who sends in such emails….you […]

Robert Byrd Is Dead

June 28, 2010 at 4:23 pm

So, Democrat ex-KKK “Kleagle” US Senator Robert Byrd, the longest-serving member of Congress in history and walking advert for term-limits, has died aged 92. Because he was a Democrat, Obama groupie and all round lefty, he was by default a cheerful cheeky chappie of the type so beloved of the […]