Imminent Coup In Honduras?

September 22, 2009 at 4:31 pm

It looks as though things may be coming to a head in Honduras. A coup could be imminent backed by Obama. The government has imposed a curfew from 4pm EDT today till 6am tomorrow. Multiple sources (Reuters) (AP) report that ousted and exiled former president Manuel Zelaya is back in Honduras, […]

Climate Change: Scientists Finally Called In

September 22, 2009 at 9:00 am

From the You’re Pulling My Chain Department, news reaches us that a group of scientists far more qualified than the pseudo-experts, fakers and profiteers currently assembling in Copenhagen have been called in to save the Great Climate Change Hoax from itself. “Long vilified as sorcerers, Kenya’s Nganyi rainmakers — with […]

Only One Cheer, Boris

September 22, 2009 at 1:15 am

Boris Johnson pens on occasion for the Daily Telegraph; a £250,000pa part-time job the Mayor of London famously described as “chicken feed“. Today he produces a column slating the infamous public sector “non job” industry and and calling for them to be slashed. So far, so sensible. However he’s come […]

Royal Gib Regiment Stays At Home

September 22, 2009 at 12:15 am

Fresh from TheEye twittering congratulations to Lance Corporal Jason Capena being commended for his service when seconded to the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers in Iraq last year, the Daily Express today reports that bureaucrats have banned the Royal Gibraltar Regiment from fighting in ­Afghanistan amid fears its soldiers would not […]

Lib-Dem Conference In Pictures

September 21, 2009 at 11:57 pm

Or in one picture, to be precise. TheEye spotted this in the Daily Telegraph today whilst propped up against a bar and laughed. And laughed. And laughed. And then made a mental note to blog with a copy. Really, if you are a spin-doctor this isn’t just a resignation photograph. […]

Would You Like To Buy A Bridge?

September 21, 2009 at 11:01 pm

Everyone knows the urban myth about the sale of London Bridge to some gullible Septics who thought they were getting Tower Bridge, only to be slightly surprised when they stripped the bubble-wrap off their new purchase in the desert of Arizona. It’s not true, of course – Robert J McCulloch […]

ObamaCare’s Tampon Tax

September 21, 2009 at 10:46 pm

It sounded suspiciously like the a fringe meeting commitment at a LibDem Conference, but during the US Presidential election Candidate Obama promised over and over again that 95% of Americans would pay less in taxes if he took power.  Yet a bill currently before Congress taxes items used by far more […]

Swedes Ignore Election: Nobody Hurt

September 20, 2009 at 11:27 pm

Swedes went to the polls earlier today (Sunday) for an election quite unlike anything we’ve ever seen in the United Kingdom – the election of officials for their church. Most Swedes are technically members of the Church of Sweden, in fact 5.6 million people (of a population of just over […]

Dinner With Palin ( Pt.2 – Sold! )

September 20, 2009 at 10:56 pm

A month or so ago TheEye mentioned the upcoming sale of a dinner with Sarah Palin, suggesting that co-conspirator David Vance would really appreciate it as a gift for Christmas. Well, no-one obliged because the auction closed  Friday night with a winning bid of $63,500. Cathy Maples of Huntsville, Ala., […]

Are There No Depths?

September 18, 2009 at 9:43 pm

If there are limits to how far the politically correct brigade will push their depraved agenda, we haven’t reached them yet – although we must be getting close with this: A school in England called an emergency assembly to tell children that a 12-year-old male pupil was having a sex […]