ObamaCare’s Tampon Tax

September 21, 2009 at 10:46 pm

It sounded suspiciously like the a fringe meeting commitment at a LibDem Conference, but during the US Presidential election Candidate Obama promised over and over again that 95% of Americans would pay less in taxes if he took power.  Yet a bill currently before Congress taxes items used by far more than that other 5%, including tampons, contact lens solution, and condoms.

Rick Tyler of Renewing American Leadership comments:

[W]hat I think people are beginning to understand is when President Obama said in the speech, “I will not pass this if it adds a single dollar to the deficit,” and what he means by that, and what he didn’t say, and what hasn’t been covered, is that when you don’t add a single dollar to the deficit to pay for this massive increase in spending, you have to increase taxes. …

So, since King George put a tax on tea 236 years ago, we’ve gone from a revolt from a tax on tea to a revolt on Obama’s tax on tampons. And it is not because people are racist or have a propensity to violence, they’re just against it, and people understand that every tax is an encroachment on freedom.

Something else people are beginning to understand is that no tampon tax is going to pay for socialized medicine. The biggest tax will come as more and more money is printed to pay for outrageous extravagances on the socialist wish list. The ensuing inflation will be a massive tax on every single person who uses American currency, whether they buy tampons or not.  Maybe it’s time for our American cousins to start dumping tampons in Boston Harbour?