Study: Sharp Things Are Sharp

July 27, 2011 at 2:11 am

Good drills from the University of Leicester this week who have triumphed with a study published in this weeks Science Daily:

Mr Nolan said: “It is common knowledge that broken glass bottles can be used as an effective stabbing weapon and the results of the study have reaffirmed this.”

Good effort.

It seems the point of this was to measure the amount of force it takes to stab someone effectively with a broken bottle. Apparently it might be relevant in stabbing prosecutions although the justification given for this appears to be bollocks tenuous. Another suggestion is to use the data in the search for a pint glass design which won’t be of any use in a Glasgow boozer after 8pm. To be fair that’s preferable to forcing us to drink from the abomination that is a plastic pint ‘glass’. Which is wrong on every level.

But the whole thing boils down to a group of researchers proving that stabby things can stab you.