Lies, Damned Lies And Statistics About Terrorist Attacks

July 23, 2011 at 3:02 pm

or, if you prefer as a headline: Observations On Life No.5263 : Eyes Closed

The EU collect statistics on many things, and one interesting example is a breakdown of terrorist attacks within its borders; completed, uncompleted and foiled efforts.

Their summary for 2010 is:

Islamist: 3 (1%)
Separatist: 160 (64%)
Left Wing/Anarchist: 45 (18%)
Right Wing: 0 (0%)
Single Issue: 0 (0%)
Unspecified (UK): 40 (16%)
Total: 249

And why is that list interesting? Not for the numbers themselves because they are influenced by the ongoing separatist and murderous campaign of ETA – plus a few Breton flag-burners gone rogue.

But for the fact that the UK and only the UK refuse to be specific about the origins of residents of Lutonistan our home-grown terrorists. It can only be the BBC’s Great Unmentionable Religion Of Peace by process of elimination, obviously, because everyone in Northern Ireland “we haven’t gone away, you know” have given up their guns, adopted orphaned fluffy bunnies and are no danger to anyone at all. No sir’ee.

When you’re an ostrich and you have two big political reasons to bury bad news then you just push your head even further into the sand. Are we surprised? Not really….