The Politics Of Spinning A Crime
The ever-breathless Nick Robinson is leading the joint Labour – Al Beeb charge to pin as much blame as possible on David Cameron for fact that a private investigator working for a newspaper listened to (and deleted) some voicemails of a murdered child eight years ago.
TheEye has been keen to put a post together on the sheer hypocrisy and fuckwittery on show here, but was beaten to the punch on another forum. For a great summary of the whole story, take it away the splendid Richard Nabavi:
It is alleged that, in 2002, five years into a 13 year period of Labour government, journalists working for a Labour-supporting newspaper edited by a someone who was a close friend of the then Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair, and who was also feted by the then Labour Chancellor and later Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown, illegally accessed the voicemail of missing Milly Dowler.
The NOTW passed the police information about this; the police took no action against the NOTW at the time. A few months later, in March 2003, the full extent of this then-common illegal phone-blagging activity became known to the Labour government when Operation Motorman revealed that many newspapers, including notably the Labour-supporting Mirror and Labour-supporting Guardian, used similar methods.
But nothing much was done until, six years later, the Labour government was finally voted out of office, when suddenly this whole story became an issue.
And this is all the fault of David Cameron, an opposition backbencher at the time of the Milly Dowler murder?
One cannot but admire the highly effective, vicious, hypocritical chutzpah of New Labour, who are prepared to twist any story, including the murder of a young girl, into an anti-Tory attack.
If you get your news from the BBC and only have a passing interest in the political angle of current affairs, of course, you won’t have been challenged to consider the timeline of the affair. You’ll just have Al-Beebja reporter after reporter explaining how Cameron eats babies.
And to add insult to duplicitous injury we knew a while back from the Guardian:
Rupert Murdoch used his political influence and contacts at the highest levels to try to get Labour MPs and peers to back away from investigations into phone hacking at the News of the World, a former minister in Gordon Brown’s government has told the Observer.
The ex-minister, who does not want to be named, says he is aware of evidence that Murdoch, the chairman of News Corporation, relayed messages to Brown last year via a third party, urging him to help take the political heat out of the row, which he felt was in danger of damaging his company.
Brown, who stepped down as prime minister after last May’s general election defeat for Labour, has refused to comment on the claim, but has not denied it.
But still, Cameron is obviously the wife-beating, baby-eating evil bastard as opposed to the Prime Minister of the time. If TheEye paid the licence fee, he would stop.
One cannot but admire the highly effective, vicious, hypocritical chutzpah of New Labour, who are prepared to twist any story, including the murder of a young girl, into an anti-Tory attack.
And for a change I must disagree with you. I despise the hypocritical cunts for it. The only thing even slightly in their favour is that there’s not much doubt that the right-wing rags would be doing it if the boot was on the other foot.
You can use “admire” in the same way that you can use “respect” for something you absolutely disagree with…but the sheer magnitude of brass neck needed to do it makes you stand back, whistle through your front teeth and say Wow! How did they do that?
Similarly you’ve got to admire the skill with which Labour have airbrushed 13 years of rule and anything that ever happened since 1992 to make evverything sitll Fatcha’s fault.
To have people deploy her as a personal hate figure when they weren’t even alive when she was in power is a massive and awesome tribute to the power of groupthink and indoctrination.
You can admire Hitler’s ability to unite a people or Bill Clinton’s ability to speak, or Castro’s strong personality. That’s not the same as liking them.