No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

June 13, 2011 at 11:06 pm

TheEye has done a few of those charity events where you effectively ‘buy’ your ticket on a walk or expedition with a certain amount of pledged fundraising. In fact a friend is walking the Atlas Mountains later this year on a similar scheme. Mad, mad fool.

The downside to not hitting your target can be not going but is more usually having to grovel a bit to the organisers.

This chappie, though, wasn’t expecting The Spanish Inquisition this to happen:

“A charity worker who crawled the London Marathon dressed as Brian the Snail from The Magic Roundabout has been sacked for not raising enough money.

Action for Kids fundraiser Lloyd Scott hoped to raise at least £100,000 for the charity but received about £20,000.”

You might remember him as the man who “ran” the 2002 London Marathon dressed in a full deep sea diving suit.

Yay! Three cheers for the Big Society!