Seve Ballesteros: A Tribute

May 13, 2011 at 11:25 pm

…but not in quite the way you’d imagine. From ThisIsGloucestershire, one of the most tenuous articles TheEye has spotted in years.

Might as well quote the whole thing so that you don’t think you’re missing anything of the detail:

OWNERS of parrot Seve Ballesteros have today said they were shocked at news of the death of their pet’s namesake.

Taffy Howells, who named six-year-old parrot Seve Ballesteros after the “the king of European golf”, said: “I heard the news this morning.

“I was shocked really. I was really really upset.

“He’s been an ambassador for golf. He won three majors”.

Taffy, from Linden, added that his parrot was still doing well.

“He’s not behaving himself though,” he added.

Seve Ballesteros died at his home in Spain. He was 54.

He had fought a long battle after being diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2008.

He passed away in the early hours of this morning due to respiratory failure.

Splendid. The family will have felt so honoured.