Spooky Tales

May 10, 2011 at 5:23 pm

TheEye – cursed with 24 hours of spirit-crushing nonsense, can only offer a ridiculous post today. In contrast to a spectacular charge when co-conspirator and all round top bloke Max Farquar got 130,000 hits in a single day, TheEye has been dealing with local government bureaucracy and pencil-pushers with repressed daddy issues and too much time on their hands.

Ah, who cares? Or c‘est la vie as you’d say in France….or, in this part of the world, tu madre tiene un bigote.

Just enjoy a random spot from the utterly birdcage-lining joy that is Kent Online: Ghostly face appears in man’s Dyson

“Jesus is the most common person to feature in objects like socks, toast, a field, a biscuit, a tea towel, a Kit-Kat, a frying pan and in a jar of Marmite.”

Fellow blogger here St Crispin will be making a long overdue return to Gibraltar soon from Places Sandy and Goat Infested. Can’t wait…