Of Referenda and Independence

May 8, 2011 at 1:25 am

TheEye has threatened promised a very occasional series of old pictures from my home of Gibraltar. The first showed searchlights over the Rock in 1940, and here’s the next installment from the archives.

Inspired by Subrosa’s very successful first LiveChat which saw the SNP sweep to power in Scotland on an ‘independence’ ticket. TheEye recalls when the shoe was on the other foot down here. When a referendum was held locally on whether to drop British rule and throw our lot in with the Spanish.

1967 was the year, and Gibraltarians chose to remain British by 12138 votes to only 44 votes to change to Spanish nationality. Truly a result that even Mugabe would envy.

The situation is completely different of course, but, well….any excuse for a trip down memory lane.