Of Referenda and Independence
TheEye has threatened promised a very occasional series of old pictures from my home of Gibraltar. The first showed searchlights over the Rock in 1940, and here’s the next installment from the archives.
Inspired by Subrosa’s very successful first LiveChat which saw the SNP sweep to power in Scotland on an ‘independence’ ticket. TheEye recalls when the shoe was on the other foot down here. When a referendum was held locally on whether to drop British rule and throw our lot in with the Spanish.
1967 was the year, and Gibraltarians chose to remain British by 12138 votes to only 44 votes to change to Spanish nationality. Truly a result that even Mugabe would envy.
The situation is completely different of course, but, well….any excuse for a trip down memory lane.
Two questions Eye;
1) How has the situation changed, I looked up Gibraltar and got references to territorial water, is that what you refer too?
2) What is the average yearly temperature on Gibraltar, it looks like a nice place to vacation or go on holiday?
That’s the Gibralter my parents used to talk about ASE. Switzerland and Gib were there favourite haunts. Thanks once again for your tremendous help on Thursday night. It would never have happened without you.
On point 1 Chris, ASE is comparing last weeks election in Scotland which resulted in the first majority Government of the Scottish Nationalist Party who pretend to want independence from the Uk and the situation in Gibraltar when, as he points out , there really was a 99.9% vote in favour of remaining under The Crown.
Correct me if I am wrong ASE but, by and large, Gibraltans are not English or even British but a melting pot of Catalans, Maltese, Provencals, Corsicans and other Mediterranians yet still they chose to remain British and, so far as the EU are concerned, part of my very own EU Region Of “England, South West”.
I had my retirement bash in Gib. At the Waterfront restaurant. A great night out was had by all.
In 1967 the motto was ‘vote early, vote often’; a more recent one in 2005 (unrecognised as valid by the UK Government since it was not called or overseen by the UK) had a similar result.
Yes, Gibraltarians are a melting-pot of various Mediterraneans (and Brits who stayed on) who came to serve the garrison. They were not brilliantly treated by the colonial power. Within living memory a Gib civilian had to move off the pavement at the approach of a British officer – this latter may explain the absolute refusal of present-day Gib civilians to cede an inch of room on the pavement to anybody. Yes, Gib is in the EU (except for the Common Customs Area, VAT and, amazingly, the Common Agricultural Policy).
The reference to territorial waters which was picked up is an ongoing row with Spain. Gib says it has – as a matter of international law – its own territorial waters; Spain says it doesn’t since the Treaty of Utrecht only ceded the City and the Rock. Spain regularly sends Guardia Civil (the serious Spanish police) boats, and more recently a Spanish Navy destroyer. into Gib waters to cause trouble; the Royal Navy Squadron here apparently needs an hour to get ready for sea and so turns up a bit late to prevent these incursions. The Gib Government gets very cross about this, clearly thinking it ought to have the right to tell the Royal Navy what to do and when.
As for a holiday in Gib – hot and sunny in summer (average about 30C – kept cooler than inland by virtue of sea on 3 sides) and warm and fairly sunny, but often rainy, in winter. There is also something very splendid about wandering into an English pub, ordering a pint of English bitter in the English language, paying for it in sterling – and looking at Africa. But the place can be covered in a day and there are no great attractions for the culture vulture. The military historian will find more to do. The beaches are, frankly, poor (although I can recommend the Yacht Club swimming pool). Having said all that, both the ASE and I are still here – must have something to do with the (very) cheap booze and tobacco.
Hope this helps. I await the ASE’s sarky comments.
Yes Chris, banned is spot on. It was election night last Thursday which prompted the post.
The SNP want independence for Scotland but they would lose a vote on it now if they called one. Although that is their signature policy and it doesn’t have majority support they still won a majority in the Parliament through their other (left) policies, protests votes. tactical voting and one other party collapsing utterly.
In Gib, where we will have a General Election within the next few months, the options are between a party which wants as little to do with Spain as possible and one which wants even less to do with Spain. Which keeps it easy to understand!
And banned, yes, a good cross-section listed there, plus your “and other” covers a vast genepool from one end of the Med to the other. Many of them fleeing from persecution over the years (genuine persecution, not the benefit-scrounging crocodile tears nonsense you get these days).
Gib took legal action to get MEP representation and slotted into the SW region a decade or so ago. Our MEPs are very high profile, considering, and fly down here regularly – mostly the Tory ones. Don’t hear from the others much.
A pleasure to help out and a delight to see it go so well for you.
I hope you do more LiveChats – they are very addictive!
They’ve got an excellent chef in there at the moment, and that marina is a great place to relax. Dinner booked there for next Thursday actually.
There was also the typically shabby Labour skullduggery about a referendum for Gibraltar, when the weasel Straw was Foriegn Secretary .. in which he said that no matter the outcome of the referendum, the UK Government would still give Gibraltar to Spain ..
Thank god he didn’t get his mealy-mouthed way ..
With reference to the pics, I’m old enough to remember when the RN Patrol used vans of the type in the 2nd photo (I think its a “Commer” but wouldn’t swear to it) as “Meat-waggons” .. 😉
There was a great Labour Party poster…and I’ve got a photo of it which I’ll dig out….from the last MEP elections. It had a strapline like “Fighting for you for a decade” – relating to the time that Gib had an MEP.
Bastards. Absolute bastards. And once more for the crowd – bastards.
That was exactly the time that Straw and the little git’s party were trying to give us away against our will. And that will never be forgotten.
The locals have a long memory and for another couple of generations here you’ll be able to weigh the Labour MEP vote on a set of bathroom scales because of Straw.
“Peter” above makes a reference to the 2005 referendum “not being recognised” by Labour because they didn’t call it themselves. What a surprise. Gibraltar raised a finger to Labour and quite rightly.
‘Recognised’ or not it called the bluff on Straw’s treachery.