Libya – Latest stupidity

March 6, 2011 at 10:18 pm

We have heard the politicians defending how they’ve gone about the extraction (NEO) of British & other nationals from Libya. Fox was quizzed on Radio 4’s today program about whether it would have been a good thing to have still had HMS Ark Royal & some harriers available to park off the North African coast, and he spewed all the weasel politician words that we would expect, about having enough ships with what we’ve got, what use would planes be if there was not a multinational position etc etc. Well, your correspondent had it from the horses mouth, that last week a certain conversation from ministers to chaps high up in Navy command went something like this;-

{Govt lacky} Hello First Sea Lord, frightfully sorry to bother you , but just wanted to know how you were doing with the, ahem, cuts and things.

{First Sea Lord (or maybe his lacky)} They are a damn disgrace, but being loyal servants of the crown we have started to enact your ridiculous cuts.

{Govt lacky} Oh! Well, how far have you got?

{Navy Type} Slow but sure. Why do you ask?

{Govt Lacky} We, well, the minister was wondering, you know, what with the whole Libyan mess, and the general state of that whole area, we were wondering how quickly HMS Ark Royal could be readied for possible action?

{Navy Type} (with some satisfaction) We finished removing the second engine this week, she now has just the manoeuvring engine, no radios, life support, generators or indeed pretty much anything. She is nearly the hull you said you wanted us to reduce her to.

{Govt lacky} Oh! Shame. OK I’ll get back to you.

So, the same f&ckwits are in power as have been for the last 13 years, they just wear different coloured rosettes, but make the same bone decisions.

Yours & ceteras

St C