Tagging Alcohol – It’s For Our Own Good

December 28, 2010 at 9:36 pm

Hideous Big Brother nonsense from the problem areas of* Dundee where alcohol is now being tracked in case you dare to do something the State doesn’t approve of with your own property.

Under the scheme, bottles would bear a printed barcode enabling authorities to track whether legally bought alcohol has been given to youngsters.

The scheme, which is already being piloted in problem areas of Dundee, involves the police seizing alcohol from under-18s and then using the coded bottle labels to trace where the drink was bought from.

Officers then use CCTV from the shop to identify who bought the bottle, and offenders are taken off in cattle trucks to re-education camps.

Labour’s [that’s a surprise, eh?] community safety spokesman [a what?] James Kelly wants to roll out the scheme to other parts of the country…[yep, bet he does, the control-freak twat] 

So, this Orwellian wet dream is now being recommended for use all across Scotland, which means that it’s only a matter of time before the Health Nazis think it’ll be a splendid idea across the whole of the UK.

So who is going to pay for this and how?

The scheme is understood to cost less than £100 per shop to run

In this context, “understood” means “we don’t have a clue, so we’ve pulled a number out of our arse”. Doubtless someone will explain how the Dundee branch of Morrisons manages to label and track back the sales two aisles of booze across a whole year for a one-er.

But never mind the economics and practicalities; just curl up into a ball and keep muttering the magic words: It’s for our own good, you know.

* Done just to wind up Subrosa 🙂