“Say Goodbye To Broken Promises”

December 9, 2010 at 6:50 am

With the important vote on tuition fees now here it’s funny, in a slow motion car-crash sort of way, to re-watch this Liberal Democrat party political broadcast from the last General Election. Enduring the whole thing isn’t important; just the first 10 seconds will make the point.

For a two-faced minor party never expecting or even really wanting power – just the freedom to face all ways and only pick the populist causes – creating a hostage to fortune like this seemed unimportant at the time.

“Broken promises. There have been too many in the last few years, too many in the last 30 years. In fact our nation has been littered with them. A trail of broken promises.”

It’s come back to bite them in the arse now. In no uncertain terms.

UPDATE: As ‘Banned’ noted in the comments, the first copy of this broadcast has now been pulled from YouTube. This (inferior quality) copy was then tracked down and uploaded to EyeTube for safekeeping. If anyone has the original high qulaity version, please email TheEye.