“Say Goodbye To Broken Promises”
With the important vote on tuition fees now here it’s funny, in a slow motion car-crash sort of way, to re-watch this Liberal Democrat party political broadcast from the last General Election. Enduring the whole thing isn’t important; just the first 10 seconds will make the point.
For a two-faced minor party never expecting or even really wanting power – just the freedom to face all ways and only pick the populist causes – creating a hostage to fortune like this seemed unimportant at the time.
“Broken promises. There have been too many in the last few years, too many in the last 30 years. In fact our nation has been littered with them. A trail of broken promises.”
It’s come back to bite them in the arse now. In no uncertain terms.
UPDATE: As ‘Banned’ noted in the comments, the first copy of this broadcast has now been pulled from YouTube. This (inferior quality) copy was then tracked down and uploaded to EyeTube for safekeeping. If anyone has the original high qulaity version, please email TheEye.
I needed some inspiration on this subject, so have semi-plagiarised your post for my own records, recording that: Squire Nick, jumped on his trusty nag “Populist”, and rode off in all directions at once.
Yes, Monty Python style…by hitting coconut shells together!
“Say Goodbye TO Broken Promises” ..
By exterminating every politician breathing .. There isn’t a single one of them (of whatever stripe) would know what telling the “Truth” meant .. if it bit them on the arse …
‘Students’ bleating on the radio about having to find £9kpa to fund their University education? Why have the coalition failed to get it across that no-one will have to pay upfront; the poor won’t have to pay at all, those who fail to gain resonable employment won’t haveeto pay, at all. Those who do pay willl do so at £7.00 per month (week?) which is hardly onerous.
The ‘debt’ is not a ‘debt’ that will affect their credit rating or mortgage application, it is a future liability for tax. in fact the Graduate Tax that they promised so why have they failed to get this across
An academic pointed out to me yesterday that when they set up a similar scheme in Australia a while ago the students similarly protested but all is quiet now that they realise what a good deal they have got.
btw, what happens to those who get the funding but fail to graduate?
Youtube have suspended that vids account already >:o , did you get it onto eyetube?
There’s only one thing worse than a Student with a misplaced sense of “entitlement” ..
And that’s two of the idle, unwashed bastards ..
Doing a spoof version of this but with “piano wire” and “lampposts” being the punchlines would be good.
The fee cap (not the fee amount as the phone-in morons on R4 seem to think) is per year, so if you do one year for example you’re due to pay back one year.
But agree totally, one of the most amazing sideshows of this whole shambles has being watching how inept the Coalition has been in getting its message across. They only got around to doing a website a couple of days ago. You’d have thought that’d be first on the list of things to do.
Just about *every* student suffers from that (the “sense of entitlement” I was getting at, but yes, the idle and unwashed bits too).
One of the downsides of doing a degree is the three years extra that students live in the ‘bubble’ before graduating and only afterwards being exposed to the realities of life.
Guess that’s why so many of them are/were libdems.
Didn’t think it would be pulled so didn’t bother. It just goes to show you should always assume the worst.
Found another copy, uploaded it to EyeTube and I’ve updated the post. It’s not as top quality as the first one but it’ll do.
If those who go to University are supposed to be the more clever ones .. how come someone like me (who failed the Eleven Plus & then joined the Royal Marines at 16 and who has worked for a living ever since) can grasp that just as food & fuel prices have risen .. Tuition fees have had to rise too ?
Why do these people cling to the belief that they have a “God-given right” to go to University .. at someone else’s expense ?
its all very well blaming “Anarchist Groups” or “Agitators” .. but the demonstrations didn’t organise themselves .. Kids of 14 were there, bunking off school ..
I would suggest that the majority of Students involved are doing “Mickey-Mouse” courses at University .. Media Studies & the like .. Fair enough, but they can pay for those themselves .. I’m damned if I see why money extracted from my hard-earned Pension should be siphoned off to pay for them ..
And before some limp-wristed, long-haired, un-washed, Lefty-leaning wanker pops up defending their right to demonstrate .. permit me to remind them that, that “right” was won on the backs of & at the cost of the lives of former Servicemen & Women ..
And how do they show their gratitude ? .. By urinating on statues & defacing the Cenotaph ..
Clever ones ? .. They make me want to spew … and make me eternally grateful that no member of my family ever attended University ..