Airport Security

November 16, 2010 at 8:36 am

The world really has gone mad. New rules have been introduced in the US to make full-body scanning compulsory – with an opt out to get a full groping instead. Okay, this picture is three years old but in light of the extra rules on searching travellers it’s worth another look.

So: a muslim women searching a Nun to make sure that the Nun is not an islamic terrorist…you couldn’t, as they say, make it up.

On the subject of being 3 years old, here’s security footage of a child that age being groped by Transportation Security Administration staff in the US. Profiling, eh? It’ll never catch on.

A US-based activist opposed to the new invasive body scanners in use at airports over there and being trialled in the UK has started a campaign to make Wednesday, Nov. 24 ‘National Opt-Out Day‘. Or National Get On The No-Fly List Day as it’s probably more accurate to call it.

He’s encouraging airline passengers to decline the TSA’s technological strip searches en masse on that day as a protest against the scanners, as well as the new ‘enhanced pat-downs‘ inflicted on refuseniks.

‘The goal of National Opt-Out Day is to send a message to our lawmakers that we demand change,’ reads the call to action, set up by Brian Sodegren. ‘No naked body scanners, no government-approved groping. We have a right to privacy, and buying a plane ticket should not mean that we’re guilty until proven innocent.’ 

The US Airline Pilots Association and other pilot groups have urged their members to avoid the scanners and have also condemned the new pat-down policy as humiliating to pilots. They’ve advised pilots who don’t feel comfortable undergoing pat-downs in front of passengers to request they be conducted in a private room. Any pilots who don’t feel comfortable after undergoing a pat-down have been encouraged to ‘call in sick and remove themselves from the trip.

Why on earth are we scanning the pilots? They’re vetted continuously, get to carry guns on board and sit at the controls. Surely the threat of them carrying a couple of ounces of toothpaste isn’t a major concern?

The whole thing is madness. Stuff the political correctness nonsense and start profiling.