Question Time LiveBlog 14th October 2010

October 14, 2010 at 5:19 pm

Question Time tonight comes from Cheltenham, birthplace of Eddie ‘the Eagle’ Edwards and Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris. It has 3 councillors representing the “People Against Bureaucracy” Party.

On the panel tonight we have David Willetts MP, Tessa Jowell MP, Phil Willis, Sir Max Hastings and race-obsessed historian Dr Maria Misra who writes for the Guardian and the New Statesman about how nasty the Raj was. She has form on QT.

For those playing the Buzzword Bingo, we’ll be playing the Thatcher Rules which means that congratulations on her 85th birthday when combined with your Iron Lady joker are an immediate win. However normal points only will be scored if it is combined with decline of industry, cuts, sleaze, doom or misery. Biased-BBC is giving away a free blog mug and t-shirt for any references to Dennis MacShane being expelled from the Labour Party today for claiming office expenses of £125,000 for a shed.

The LiveBlog will also cover the entertainingly awful This Week, presented by Brillo and Michael Portillo. Rumours that the pie-crazed co-presenter Diane Abbott was history after her surreal elevation to a Shadow Spokesman job preaching against obesity seem to be wide of the mark and she’s still on the list.

David Vance, TheEye and David Mosque will be slashing the Quango State here from 10:30pm.

UPDATE: Nigel Farage was supposed to be on tonight. More details about the BBC cancelling him here.