Bright Idea

September 27, 2010 at 3:16 pm

The European Union, as we know, has banned incandescent light bulbs because polar bears choke on them. Or something. And the US is doing the same thing, which has resulted in the last proper lightbulb manufacturer in America recently closing.Β The Obama thought police will insist that workers are delighted that Hopey Changey means all their jobs have gone to China.

The reason that we all now have to squint to read in the semi-gloom or turn on extra lights is officially that because of their bad efficiency most of the energy was (or is, if you stockpiled them too) transformed into heat.

So a company is now trying to bypass this by offering their incandescent light bulb products as a heating device (article in German) instead of a light device. Still, their ‘heat balls’ give light as well as heating. Plus for every one they sell, they’ll give €0.30 to some rainforest charity or other.

This is a great idea for farmers who used the advantage of getting heat out of the old lightbulbs; expecially for outside chicken coops and livestock sheds. Plus it just shows that every law can be bypassed if you think laterally.