Zimbabwe, Cuba And Scotland

September 7, 2010 at 4:29 pm

Thoroughly enjoyed this bit of in-your-face high handed buggeroffishness:

An ex banker to the Queen has urged a public enquiry to close part of Chaucer’s Pilgrims Way that runs over his estate by telling inspectors they should remember they are not in Zimbabwe, Cuba or Scotland.

Timothy Steel who is the former vice chairman of the Queen’s investment bankers Cazenove has become embroiled in a battle with villagers over the footpaths […]

In the letter he said villagers seemed to “view land ownership with a mixture of envy and contempt” and added that the attempts by locals to walk over private land “might have resonance in Zimbabwe, Cuba and possibly Scotland, but it is an anachronistic form of totalitarian thinking, which has been abandoned by most other former Communist regimes.”

Not a fan of the Caledonians, it appears.