The Guardian’s “Tory” Test
Let this article from the Guardian’s Komment Macht Frei called Liberal guilt? Good for you speak for itself.
To “suffer” from liberal guilt means that you are somewhat uneasy about all sorts of awkward things that it is tempting to harden your heart against, like global injustice, global warming, racism. It means that you are troubled by the stubborn persistence of our class system, though you personally have done fine by it. It means you sometimes worry that you might be prejudiced against all sorts of people. It means that your vague patriotism is laced with uncertainty about whether our ancient constitution is able to be truly inclusive. It means, for goodness sake, that you fail to be completely fatly smugly relaxed about this problematic world we inhabit. Is that really so shameful and wet, so laughably mentally effeminate?
If this little parade of privileged anxiety fills you with derision, then you are a Tory.
1. ridicule; mockery: The bollocks printed in the Guardian elicited derision from the world.
Alternative test to check if you are Gordon Brown:
1) Have you ever saved the world?
2) If you add 0% to something it has:
a) increased
b) stayed the same
c) decreased
3) Do you own a rocking horse?
4) Have you ever:
a) stapled yourself to some paper
b) kicked a table over
c) issued a foul-mouthed tirade to a minion whilst naked
d) thrown a Nokia across the room
e) chased the US President around the UN building, finally cornering him in the kitchens
Much more accurate, in TheEye’s opinion.
Hat-tip for the Guardian quote: Englishman’s Castle
This is utter bollocks even for the Guardian, liberal guilt? No wonder I hold the lefty liberal types in contempt if all they worry about is global injustice, global warming and racism. Personally if I have a problem, I do something about it, I don’t go into faux delusional guilt trips.
Can’t argue with that. Action, not hand-wringing.
“Liberal Guilt” ? ….
This goes hand-in-hand with the dozy fuckers who self-flagellate, or who have themselves nailed to crosses ..
Its a great pity they don’t have anything else in their comfortable, little lives to worry about ..
Purely out of interest … if, as alleged .. you worry about all those things, it makes you a Tory ..
What are you, if you couldn’t give a flying fuck about any of it ? …. 😉
Yep .. that would have pretty much summed it up Eye ..
Until this morning, I was happy .. having just read this bollocks .. my piss is now boiling over …
I am going to blog on that but only when I’ve calmed down >:o
If this ever comes to fruition .. I’d like to be a fly on any bulkhead, in any shared “carrier” on Trafalgar Night ..
I bet the “scab-lifters” & “poultice-wallopers” will have their work cut out next morning ..
Mebbe “Pusser” might like to make an advance block-booking for accomm at Colchester … 😉 🙂 🙂
I’m not sure whether agreeing with all the sentiments described in the article makes me a closet tory – is that what it is trying to say? Sorry, but apart from the ‘fatly smugly relaxed’ bit, I do feel that way. Doubtless I should not be reading this blog – but it is fun to have something to disagree with. By the way, is the wonderful Gordon Brown still PM? I think we should be told.
Incidentally, how will the French Navy cope with the command: ‘Main gauche baissee un peu’?