Time: What Happens If We Leave Afghanistan?

August 1, 2010 at 2:37 pm

A very dramatic front cover from this month’s Time.  Apparently she fled abusive in-laws.

But is this really the reason we went in or the reason we’re still there? Well the grounds for our presence seem to keep shifting week by week, so as a point of reference let’s take Foreign Secretary William Hague on the Politics Show from Afghanistan on 23rd May:

“We’re here to make our own nation more secure and our allies more secure. We’re here really to try to make sure that Afghans can look after their own affairs and their own security in the future without Afghanistan presenting a danger to the rest of the world.  So our objective is security. But that of course does not exclude the other things, the things that Andrew Mitchell has just been talking about because good development… making sure that people have some jobs to go to, that they can take their goods to market, that they’ve got roads they can travel on, that of course, is an important part of bringing about the security. So development and education is one of the ways in which we achieve better security for the people of Afghanistan and for the people of the United Kingdom.”

So yes, it seems, is the official answer.