Obama’s Facebook Page

July 24, 2010 at 6:52 pm

As exclusively revealed by TheChive.

Shirley Sherrod loves her family, her life, and her job. God bless America!
Andrew Breitbart EXCLUSIVE: “Shirley Sherrod: ‘Whities don’t work. … These guys should die.’ “
Tom Vilsack posted a note on Shirley Sherrod’s Wall: “You’re fired.”
NAACP posted a note: “Unedited Shirley Sherrod Transcript.”

“OMG, husband STILL doesn’t get that tighty-whities don’t work when you’re 40 pounds overweight. These guys should diet and get out of the house a little more often.”
Tom Vilsack sent Shirley Sherrod a gift: Your job back.

Sherrod Brown

Can I have mine back too? I think there was a mix-up.
NAACP posted a note: “Apologize, Andrew Breitbart.”

Andrew Breitbart

I’m not apologizing to you. People who saw the video can come to their own conclusions.
Al Sharpton

“You people”?
Mark Williams left the group Tea Party Express.

Mark Williams
I was being racist ironically.
Michael Richards
Roll Call posted an article: “Democrats Abandon Hopes for Climate Bill.”

Thomas Friedman
Wake up, people! Fossil fuels don’t just come out of the earth forever!
Tony Hayward

DNC posted a note: “Republicans Massage Facts on Stimulus.”

Al Gore likes this.
Robert Gibbs Republicans could win the House.

Nancy Pelosi
Robert Gibbs
It’s true, no?
Nancy Pelosi
Yes, but you don’t go around STATING FACTS willy nilly.
Roll Call posted an article: “Michael Steele Fails To Account for $7 Million in RNC Funds.”

Michael Steele

I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Michael Steele untagged himself in a photo:
Financial Times posted the article “Tony Hayward To Resign by Fall.”
The Washington Post posted the article “Congress Extends Unemployment Benefits to All, Except Tony Hayward.”
RNC posted a note: “Democrats Extend Handouts to Jobless.”

Al Gore likes this.
CNN posted an article: “Aaron Sorkin To Direct John Edwards Movie.”

Rielle Hunter

Beat you to it.
Aaron Sorkin

Daily Caller posted an article: “JournoList Scandal: Secret E-mails Reveal Liberal Media Coordinates Coverage.”
The Nation posted an article: “PERSECUTED. Innocent E-mails Spun as Conspiracy.”
The American Prospect posted an article: “PERSECUTED. Innocent E-mails Spun as Conspiracy.”
The New Republic posted an article: “PERSECUTED. Innocent E-mails Spun as Conspiracy.”
Sarah Palin posted a note: “We must encrimen the buildification of the Musulman mosque at Ground Zero!!!”

Sarah Palin
Yeah. That’s what I thought.
Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin are in a relationship.

Sarah Palin
Just another liberal media hoax.
Sarah Palin
The Weather Channel posted a note: “Hottest Half-Year Ever!”

MTV likes this.
New York Post posted an article: “Heartless, Tyrannical Dick Dies.”

George W. Bush

Lynne, I’m so sorry.
Lynne Cheney

They meant Steinbrenner. I think Dick’s still alive.
The Telegraph posted an article: “Rahm Emanuel To Quit White House Soon.”
Rahm Emanuel sent Mel Gibson a note: “Need a job?”
Engadget posted an article: “iPhone Press Conference Disaster.”

Steve Jobs
You’re holding it wrong.
Al Gore likes this.