This Blog Belches Carbon

March 12, 2010 at 4:19 pm

Just when we all thought that the eco-loons were really on the run, something   like this come up. It’s sort of the last dying twich of a road-kill badger – pathetic, pointless and yet strangely moving. German eco-alarmists have somehow “calculates” that a blog which gets 15,000 hits or more a month (close but no cigar here) pumps out 8 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

Their cunning scheme is that you should blog about this and put a link to them in the sidebar using their “my blog is carbon neutral” graphic. In return they plant a tree in your name, it soaks up 11 pounds of CO2, and as if by magic your blog becomes carbon neutral. Thus the planet is saved and polar bears can relax again.

Of course there is no action-and-effect here. This is an ongoing reforestation program (by the Arbor Day Foundation in the Plumas National Forest in California), so those trees are going in the ground anyway.

Luckily, the Weasel Times and Stoat Intelligencer has a cunning plan:

Do you know, China is set to pass the US this year as the biggest emitter of carbon dioxide? I say, let’s get on board that campaign! For every blog displaying a colourful “my blog belches carbon” icon (small sidebar version here, pointlessly large version here), China will build another inefficient coal-fired electricity plant or smoke-belching industrial smokestack. Why, your humble blog could be responsible for spewing thousands of extra tons of carbon dioxide (along with unknown quantities of other, real pollutants) into the atmosphere every year! Okay, not really, but it makes as much sense as that Green bullshit.

Seems like an excellent scheme.