True Grit

March 8, 2010 at 10:17 pm

Spotted today on the Helmand blog, which is run by Major Paul Smyth from the UK Forces Media Ops team based at Camp Bastion.

A soldier of 3 RIFLES has been talking about his decision to pick up a live Taleban hand grenade and throw it back in an attempt to save himself and his comrades.

Rifleman James McKie from Recce Platoon, 3rd Battalion The Rifles was under fire from three directions when the hand grenade hit his Platoon commander and landed at his feet.

…and a lot more. Read it all. And you think you’ve had a bad day? The guy has balls of steel and deserves a medal. A great big heavy shiny one.

TheEye particularly loved the line “I didn’t want to do it half arsed and have them throw it back at us or anything like that.”

BZ Rifleman James McKie.