Keeping Fascism In The Family

March 1, 2010 at 9:04 pm

From Handelsblatt and Business Week:

Jean-Claude Juncker: EU has “torture instruments in the cellar” to punish euro speculators

Speaking about the added pressure on Greece caused by financial investors betting on a default, Juncker told Handelsblatt that the EU has “torture instruments in the cellar” and is prepared to use them as sanctions against hedge funds and other investors speculating against the euro. He added, “Politics can only be blackmailed to the extent to which it will allow itself to be blackmailed. We have to strengthen the primacy of politics. It must be able to stop the financial markets.”

The leader of the CSU in the European Parliament, Markus Ferber MEP, has also demanded strict regulations for those speculating against the euro. “Ultimately, one should take away the operating licence of banks who participate in that,” he said.

 “torture instruments in the cellar”, eh? Well, Jean-Claude, to be fair you’re probably only using the equipment that your father borrowed whilst fighting for Hitler and the Nazis. Nothing like keeping it in the family, is there? You know how it goes….nationalise the economy, destroy personal initiative and freedom, insist on complete and unchallenged State control….just like the late 1930’s.

Shame you come from Luxembourg, but then again Hitler wasn’t a local boy either the last time that Germany tried for European domination, so keep polishing that Iron Maiden, sunshine, you might yet get a chance to see if it still works.