Glenn Beck: The Revolutionary Holocaust

February 13, 2010 at 11:16 am

Glenn Beck has produced a documentary, subtitled “Live Free…Or Die“, that discusses the truth behind the Nazi party and its roots in Marxism. He also discusses Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin, and perhaps most importantly the Lefts great icon and t-shirt seller Ernesto “Che” Guevera.
Also extremely intriguing are the recordings of playwright George Bernard Shaw, considered by every pretentious mouth-breather to be a great literary scholar and writer.

There are some rather graphic images, but most importantly there is extremely honest and graphic discussion about the methods used by these historical figures. The point of the documentary is to bring light to a side of each of these individuals that is not understood today, largely due to the downward spiral of our school system and the iconic symbolism that Hollywood attempts to create from these men.

This work offers information about the leftists association with Hitler and the Nazi party that children will never hear about in school. Stalin was discussed rather more openly during TheEye’s education, but usually in the context of perfect socialism being poorly implemented by fallible humans. TheEye bears no grudge, though, and hopes that his old History master Mr Davies is thoroughly enjoying his retirement re-educating subversives in an internment camp in Cuba. Certainly the information about Che Gueverra is extremely important and something that schools are not teaching. There is some interesting discussion about Marx and Friedrich Engels that is probably beyond anything schools are teaching today too.

Sent in by friend of TheEye Daniel, and has four subsequent parts [2] [3] [4] [5]. Hightly recommended viewing.