Of Scribbled Notes And Teleprompters

February 10, 2010 at 12:12 am

Over on A Tangled Web, Patty writes about Press Secretary Robert Gibbs mocking Sarah Palin for making a note on the palm of her hand for a recent speech…by writing “Hope” and “Change” on his own hand. The irony of Gibbs working for a man who needed a teleprompter to speak at a local school seems to have eluded him, as did the fact that he spelt “Hoax” incorrectly.
As Patty notes, Unfortunately for Gibbs, President Obama had just finished speaking from the same podium about the need for bipartisanship, and the need to “transcend petty politics.” Gibbs’ joke received groans.

Although it is cruel to mock Vice President Joe Biden’s well known senility, Gibbs was also unaware, it seems, of Biden’s recent similar use of an aide-memoire.

And of course, the same trick as used by TheOne – who has a teleprompter with its very own blog.

And rising serenely above the misogynystic nonsense the ever-unflappable Sarah Palin (genuinely, here) wrote a note on her hand when out campaigning for Gov Rick Perry of Texas today saying…Hi Mom. The Left went in to hissy spitting fits of rage.

That’s a definite score for the Saracuda. Go Sarah 2012!