Meet Our New Overlords

November 19, 2009 at 9:21 pm

So this is our future, folks. Every spare second of BBC propaganda news for the next forever will be dominated by the senile mutterings of this bald tax-obsessed bloodsucking alien and his demented side-kick who has morphed her face to take (roughly) human form based on a smudged picture of Cherie Blair. As yet, she hasn’t worked out that her new eyelids are manually operated. In this exclusive picture we see them attempting ancient Earth mating rituals, but let’s hope that they can’t work it out. The video would be, to say the least, specialist. And hopefully illegal.

You’d think that the EU might have just the slightest modicum of tact and diplomacy. Maybe the tiniest fig-leaf of regard for the populations of its vassal states. But no – we are all good comrades within the EUSSR now so we just have to accept this announcement made, not to any Parliament, but at a private dinner.

So this is Gordoom leaving us his legacy in his final days in power. Scorched earth. A massive upraised finger towards the British people.

Where’s my bloody referendum, you bastard?