McDoom’s Lack Of Respect

November 9, 2009 at 7:27 pm
TheEye was rather taken by the forthright and understandable reaction over on the ARmy Rumour SErvice to the fact that our military-hating socially inept Prime Mentalist was unable to remember to bow his head at the Centotaph ceremony.
When questioning how he could have been quite so insensitive, particularly apt was the comment by bat_country: “probably because it was his worst feckin nightmare. striding out alone and unaided in front of hundreds of soldiers with glinting bayonets fixed, with the knowledge that the vast majority of them were just itching to give him a practical demonstration of what backstabbing really feels like.”
For those who might consider this lack of respect a trivial point, try telling that to any serviceman. These things aren’t forgotten.