Ping Pong Payout
From the Department of Good Grief What Next we hear about a prisoner serving time in Sweden’s Gävle jail who has received a pay out of 18,300 kronor ($2,700/£1,650) in compensation after injuring his little finger during a game of table tennis.
The incident happened in November 2007 when the 46-year-old inmate whacked the little finger of his right hand on the edge of the table, according to local newspaper Arbetarbladet.
For the next ten weeks he was forced to wear a plastic splint to support the finger which was “tender and swollen”, and the prisoner made a personal injury claim over the matter. The Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) concluded that he suffered pain, injury and scarring.
Maybe only a trifle considering some of the payouts we hear about these days…and don’t let’s even start the comparisons with awards to servicemen…but surely it’s another sign of the impending apocalypse.
The twat should have been more careful and watched what he was fucking doing instead of getting all carried away with himself and smacking his hand resulting in self-inflicted injury >:o ! Whatever next????
Most of us, if we’d done this, would say something like “Ohshitthatfuckinghurtbastardbastardbastard” and stick it under a cold tap. It might interfere with the beer-lifting hand for a day or do, but we’d learn to lift our pint left-handed for a bit.
Trying for compo wouldn’t cross our minds. That’d pay for a nice laptop though….