America’s Club For Growth Says “No NHS Here Please”

August 13, 2009 at 7:40 pm

For those of us following the push for socialism in the U.S. and the botched job that is Obamacare, it has been quite entertaining to see their argument spill over into U.K. politics. The underrated and interesting Dan Hannan MEP (one to watch for the future) has attacked the inefficiency and bureaucracy of the NHS on FoxNews, only to be slurred at through a mouthful of pie by failed barman Prescott.

Sarah Palin has described the proposed committees which will decide the (doubtless politicised) spending priorities of the US-NHS as “death panels” which might seem emotive…until you put it this way….

This is a debate where there are no winners, and it has been the political graveyard of many a politician in the past – including Shillary before she even was one. Obama’s lot are astroturfing as quickly as possible and crying raaaasism every time someone dares tell them that their proposals are crap, but the signs and opinion polls are hinting that the American public are seeing through the sham of Hope’n’change’n’stuff.