July 10, 2009 at 8:40 am

The media mantra is always the same – we are losing. They said it when our armed forces were in Iraq and now that the focus has shifted to Afghanistan the same repetitive dirge is being broadcast day in day out, with the BBC in lead role n this sirenb chorus . So, it’s pleasing to read how British helicopter gunships have killed 50 fleeing Taliban fanatics yesterday as they desperately tried to float their trucks over a river. The pity it wasn’t 150. It enrages me to see how a section of the British media undermine the morale of OUR armed forces whilst studiously ignoring great victories, like this one. We are in Afghanistan to WIN and victory is measured in dead Taliban and Al Queda. I’m sorry if that is too brutal for queasy liberals but that is the reality of the situation and it is one that our political class should be much more explicit about, in my view.