Where Does “Anti-Extremist” Funding Really Go?

March 11, 2009 at 7:55 pm

There is a Government makework slushfund blackhole initiative to throw £70 million of our cash at projects to cuddle domestic terrorists resident extremists.

It didn’t do any good in Luton, obviously.

The Shadow Minister for Communities and Local Government Paul Goodman made a point of order in the House of Commons this afternoon which is rather scary.

Mr. Paul Goodman (Wycombe) (Con): On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. As you are aware, the preventing violent extremism pathfinder fund distributes more than £70 million of public money to local authorities. Last year, after a delay of some six months, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government was persuaded to place in the Library details of how that fund was being spent for that year. Earlier this year, I wrote to the Secretary of State to ask her to place in the Library the corresponding details for this year. I received no reply. After a written question, I received a reply studiously ignoring the request I had made. This morning, I phoned the Secretary of State’s private office and was told that the Department may—I stress “may”—no longer holds these financial details for this year at all.

My point of order is as follows. Either the Department no longer holds the details of where a substantial tranche of £70 million-worth of public money is going, which is a scandal, or it is refusing to place in the Library details of where that money is going, which, frankly, is no less scandalous in relation to information that Members of this House and members of the public have the right to see. What can you do, Mr. Speaker, to assist Members of this House in obtaining access to information that they have a right to know?

Mr. Speaker: It is up to Ministers as to how they answer parliamentary questions. I will look into the matter the hon. Gentleman raises, and I will get back to him. I thank him for raising it.

So basically this money could be anywhere. Maybe even down the back of TheEye’s sofa (note to self: check sofa). In this time of the One Eyed Scottish Idiot’s economic doom we appear to have randomly given £70 million to a bunch of spongers in the hope that they will start being nice to us. And we don’t have any records of who we’ve given it to!

Hmm, Gordon, string a few connecting words between “Government” “incompetence” “corruption” “stupidity” “dhimmitude” “taxpayer is taking it up the” and “complete and utter (insert GOT phrase du jour here)”.

Damn, knew that today was a day to guest-blog at GOT’s. The venom is huge but this blog remains, as always, tranquilo.