The Queen’s Speech

December 29, 2008 at 6:05 am

So our Prime Mentalist intends to address his grateful nation on New Year’s Day.

If TheEye had hair it would be washing it. Or something. Eyebrows maybe.

We are to be told by the One Eyed Son Of The Manse that his recession will test “the character” of the British people – one that the British people “must pass”. The public needs to display the same spirit as during WW2 and “rise to the challenge”.

The man is clearly insane.

We will be instructed to “build a better tomorrow today” and ordered to worship the Obamessiah. The One, apparently, will solve global (warming/cooling/change/whatever it is this week) with a wave of his hand. They are going to be “a global coalition for change.”

Luckily the Snot-Gobbler won’t use the other BHO election phrase “Yes We Can” which always reminds TheEye of ‘Bob The Builder’.

Not bothering to worry about the Metropolitan Police, who only go after Tories who receive leaked documents, the widely leaked speech will tell us “So that we will eventually look back on the winter of 2008 as another great challenge that was thrown Britain’s way, and that Britain met” which perpetuates the myth that it’s all Johnny Foreigner’s fault and the fact that Labour spent OUR money like sailors for the last decade and left us in the worst position in Europe to recover from this shambles is somehow to the credit of Flush Gordon.

And anyone who uses the expression, as he will, (where is the leak enquiry Bob Quick? Eh?) “as we build tomorrow today” needs to be in a padded cell and not running a country.

Picture shamelessly borrowed from The Lone Voice. And the post title is of course not a reference to the ongoing rumours about Browns sexuality. Oh no.