Merry Christmas

December 24, 2008 at 2:33 pm

TheEye wishes his family, his friends including his fellow contributor St Crispin; and all of the readers of this site – a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year (despite the worrying omens from the economic entrails).

Christmas has once again been hijacked by the Politically Correct lobby and again we have Winterval Festivals and the like from leftists. On the plus side, Red Ken’s old GLA ‘Multi-Faith Concert’ was cancelled this year by Boris and he instead forced through a GLA Christmas Carol Service.

Good for him. And he’s gone a step further, his culturally sensitive multi-faith outreach Christmas card is… well, a Christmas card (pictured).

Please keep in your thoughts all servicemen and servicewomen currently serving abroad, and the families and friends that they are apart from.

TheEye has only been active for three months but has already built up a regular group of readers. If the current quality seen in the Comments continues then this site will grow and grow in 2009. Thankyou one and all.

Merry Christmas