The Dawn Of A Brave New Socialism (Pt.3)
Okay, okay, so I promised to leave the US elections alone. This one, however, was too much fun to leave alone.
Most newspapers and magazines prepare a selection of front pages and L’Express is no exception however the balance is quite fun.
At the top is the published version with the headline: Barack Obama: The man who can change the world. Underneath is the fallback option: McCain, Palin: The couple that arouses fear; their conservatism, their failings, their militarism.
It’s starting to make it’s way around the ‘net and the person who leaked this is going to be in sooooooo much trouble that it’s worth investing in a video-cam just to see the frame-by-frame torture.
The source is Nouvelle Formule
How did you stumble on this site in french? Just curious. Odd for an English person.
Online now hence the rapid reply…a mixed set of parents and grandparents so I can chat in a few languages when I choose to do so. English (obviously), French, Spanish and German websites entertain me.
Especially the politics and the trivia.