Sell To Jews At Your Own Risk

July 4, 2010 at 3:13 am

Well that’s an unexpected turn-up for the books: it’s now legally okay to destroy the property of those  who do business with Jews. Last time that was really popular was Kristallnacht in 1938 but hey, ho, that probably makes it retro fashion, eh?

This extraordinary moment in modern British legal history took place this week in the southern English coastal city of Brighton – a city known for its strong affiliations with the Green Party and other leftist causes. It transpired in a case involving five defendants who had broken into the EDO MBM owned arms factory in January 2009 at the time of Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza.

The five admitted breaking into the factory – which was exporting military equipment at the time to Israel – and causing £180,000 ($275,000) worth of damage. Despite actually admitting to an offence that would usually carry a substantial jail sentence, the jury acquitted them, accepting their defence that although they had committed a crime they were doing so in order to prevent the greater offence of Israeli “war crimes”.

This is not exactly unprecedented – British juries have previously decided that power plants can be attacked in the name of the new religion of global warming. We used to be all equal before the law, but it seems that some causes are more equal than others.

Hat-tip: The comments of Biased-BBC and via Moonbattery