June 18, 2010 at 12:30 am
In the comments on the previous post, that excellent chap ‘banned‘ observed:I share the view that Obama looked at this as a gift following the likely defeat of his cap & trade nonsense; he has deliberately allowed the crisis to worsen to boost his Green Economy agenda. Thus far he […]
June 17, 2010 at 11:49 pm
After 59 days, two vacations, a half dozen parties, concerts, a fundraiser he went to instead of the memorial service for the 11 dead rig workers, and several rounds of golf, Obama has finally ordered the military in to help deal with the oil spill. It had even taken him 55 […]
June 16, 2010 at 11:38 pm
One of the most stupid, short-sighted and unpopular pledges by the incoming Conservatives was the pledge to ring-fence the Overseas Aid budget. It was an idea so mind-bogglingly retarded that even the handwringing bearded weirdie LibDems didn’t suggest it; which is saying something. On the list of the poor and […]
June 16, 2010 at 11:15 pm
Let’s start with a ridiculous theory and then play Spot The Motive to see why the Great Unwashed have suddenly picked up on it. Firstly, a daft idea to cure the earth of the imaginary global warming crisis: whale droppings Southern Ocean sperm whales are an unexpected ally in the fight […]
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