No More Room For Cuts?
Slowly the tide is being turned. People are realising that the “climate change” crisis (or whatever the Great Global Warming Hoax has been rebranded as this week) has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with taking money from successful wealth-creating countries and giving it to dysfunctional collectivist […]
Over the Pond in the land of the written constitution it seems as though the Fourth Amendment has been quietly forgotten. Before it’s airbrushed from history, this is it: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall […]
During the course of a major ongoing Gibraltar court case about the age of consent laws, a fascinating factoid has turned up which deserves to be shared with a smaller audience. In Gibraltar, it is actually illegal for a man to have sex with a woman if he knows she […]
Question Time tonight comes from Swansea. It was granted city status in 1969 to mark Prince Charles’s investiture as the Prince of Wales so the odds on a snippy BBC-friendly republican question are high considering recent wedding news. The panel tonight are mostly anonymous and need to be introduced. We […]
Just across the border from here in Gibraltar lies La Linea – a crime-ridden decaying town reliant solely on the financial overspill of The Rock. And after decades of corrupt and incompetent officials it is effectively bankrupt. So much so that the Policia Local officers are now having to take […]
The Guardian today has a very interesting map of the UK showing, by area, the public sector workforce as a proportion of the total workforce. The areas in bright red are…well…predictable.
Sometimes…. ah …. sometimes… oh just read it yourself. Lunacy. With a hat on. A Swedish porn king has said he wants to open a string of swinger hotels where guests can stay for free if they allow their bedroom exploits to be filmed and broadcast on the Internet. Adult […]
Preparing the students of today for the useful jobs of tomorrow, we see the future of education. And it is….blurry. A cultivation school for aspiring medical marijuana growers is drawing students, despite the recent failure of Proposition 19 and federal law that still regards the drug as illegal. The Cannabis Training […]
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