The Torygraph Is Back

March 10, 2009 at 6:11 am

Nicknamed the “Daily Labourgraph” on many blogs – including this one – for a while it is nice to see some resistance from within the ranks. This is on a few other blogs now but really needs echoing here too. An article begins: “Gordon Brown should say ‘sorry’ over economy, […]

So Who Fancies A Pint, Then?

March 9, 2009 at 11:59 am

TheEye likes to see a campaign well-run. If you want to see an organisation so unbelievably useless at running one then the irony is that its the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) who can’t organise a piss-up in a brewery. Yes, the pub-saving campaign is brought to you by the […]

St. Gerry of Assisi

March 9, 2009 at 9:09 am

This site is not keen on repeating well-known news stories unless there is an editorial and opinion to be added. This is also true with the ever-splendid David Vance at Biased-BBC. Not needing to add anything else to his article this morning, TheEye is simply going to reproduce it. Please […]

Happy “Baron Bliss” Day

March 9, 2009 at 7:38 am

Always one for a party, and also feeling much better too, TheEye will be toasting Baron Bliss Day. Unfortunately it is only recognised in Belize but it’s still got to be worth a glass of vin rouge. Henry Edward Ernest Victor Bliss died today in 1926 and gave $2million to […]

They Do Things Differently In…Holland

March 9, 2009 at 12:21 am

Actually they seem to do things in just about the same way as is increasingly happening in the UK and the USA these days. The “De Telegraaf” in Holland, describes* the cancellation of a big celebration party that was to be held in honour of the appointment of a new […]

Death On The Rock – Operation Flavius

March 7, 2009 at 3:44 pm

Yesterday marked the 11th anniversary of Operation Flavuis. Danny McCann, Seán Savage and Mairéad Farrell planned to explode a car bomb at the location where a military band was due to gather for the weekly Changing of the Guard at the Governor’s residence. Most people think that they know the […]

Your Are Welcome To Him

March 5, 2009 at 5:52 am

One of your conivial hosts was intending to destroy the one-eyed Scottish idiot (you’ve got to love Jeremy for that classic) for his performance in a joint session of Congress. However TheEye loved Pete Moore’s effort so much that there was no point in him bothering. All of the following […]

Princess Royal In Gibraltar

March 5, 2009 at 4:19 am

There was much grumpiness on this blog a fortnight ago about the Spanish knee-jerk reaction against the visit of Princess Anne to Gibraltar. They weren’t happy. She touched down today on an RAF Bae146 jet operated by No 32 (The Royal) Squadron. Within a few hours the least-worst politician on […]

Compare And Contrast

March 4, 2009 at 2:03 pm

Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, Brown doesn’t walk into the same spin-bar as Osama. Ooops. Todays screenshots don’t exactly give the same impression, do they? UPDATE: It turns out that The Croydonian is having a different yet closely related giggle about how […]

And Today Is Election Day…In Belize

March 4, 2009 at 5:50 am

No, not our chance to remove the One Eyed Son Of The Manse. 164 candidates eyeing up 67 seats. Six independents and random politicians representing six different parties. In the last elections, held March 1, 2006, the ruling United Democratic Party (UDP) won 64 of the 67 seats, whereas the […]