Labour Rigs Election Shocker

April 15, 2009 at 4:10 pm

So Cherie Blair’s mother has rigged her selection as a prospective snout-in-the trough MP by using made-up postal voters. Quelle sodding surprise. Situation normal for Labour politicians, but probably the first time they’ve tried it in Calder Valley. It’s the Labour establishment looking after its own. Waving invisible banners proclaiming […]

RIP: Marilyn Chambers

April 14, 2009 at 5:26 am

Who remembers Marilyn Chambers? Oi, you at the back there, put that porno mag away and pay attention! Porn icon Marilyn Chambers was found dead in her Los Angeles home Sunday night, but investigators do not suspect foul play, according to a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s spokesman. She began her […]

Final Score: SEALs-4 Pirates-0

April 12, 2009 at 9:17 pm

A type of strange aquatic life which is not native to the coast of Somalia has helped Capt. Richard Phillips escape his pirate captives. He’s now safe aboard the USS Bainbridge and reunited with the fellow crewmembers that he put his life on the line to save. The pirates didn’t […]

Give Guido A Statue

April 12, 2009 at 6:02 pm

TheEye continues to not wish to blog on ‘Smeargate’ as it’s being done excellently elsewhere already, but spotted this over on FlyingWarPigs and it raised a smile. Even more of a smile came via Iain Dale who quotes Labour blogger ‘Recess Monkey’ as saying “It’s not been a good week […]

April 11, 2009 at 11:34 pm

TheEye had no intention of blogging on the McBride/Draper/Watson/Gordoom affair as it is being extensively covered on every blog (except Labour-supporting ones, natch). However this offering from the G.O.T. just couldn’t go past without sharing. Better resolution when you click on the image.

World Economy Doomed: Poll O’ The Day

April 10, 2009 at 6:24 am

This should disturb us – it certainly scares TheEye. It shows you how effective the indoctrination of Armerican children has been over the last few decades. Don’t forget the radical students of 1969 are the tenured Ivy League professors and lecturers of 2009. Only 53% of American adults believe capitalism […]

The Jewish Festival Of The Creation Of Light

April 9, 2009 at 9:00 pm

Occasionally TheEye retreats into parochial mood and observes life on the doorstep. If you aren’t interested then move on the the next post. According to the celestial calculations of a Talmudic sage named Shmuel, at the outset of spring every 28 years, Jews believe that the sun moves into the […]

French MP’s In Backbone Shocker

April 9, 2009 at 12:44 pm

In an unbelievable outbreak of libertarianism and sense from a portion of our EU enemies we learn that French MP’s have today voted against a law which would have allowed law enforcement agencies to cut off the internet connections of file-sharers. Jacqui “I’ll pay for the Kleenex, darling” Smith will […]

Screwing The Taxpayer: Aussie Style

April 9, 2009 at 8:31 am

We think that three homes and an 88p bathplug are grounds for snouts-in-the-trough accusations. How about snouts-in…hmm move on from that. Australian Labor MP for New South Wales and ex-union leader Craig Thomson seems to have stolen about AUS$100,000 from that union to pay for two hookers, time spent in […]

Expensesgate: The Way Forward?

April 8, 2009 at 5:33 pm

London Assembly Member James Cleverly has an interesting take on how to limit the expense claims for a sink-plunger for an MP’s 9th house which is really owned by their second cousin twice-removed. It’s worth reproducing in full as well as the link. Remember that James is a serving TA […]