All Germans Smell

June 16, 2009 at 3:04 pm

Okay, so TheEye is thinking of setting up a country. Nothing to do for the next few days so looking for a goal. All ideas for a national anthem and a flag are welcome. Do NOT follow the example of whichever twat designed the flag of Poland because Dante had […]

And It Worked Really Well Last Time, Nein?

June 16, 2009 at 2:40 pm

From the ever odd Austrian Times, we have the Survey Of The Day. One in five Austrians want a “strong leader”. The demographic group contributing to this poll may or many not have consisted mostly of itinerant Austrian painters with small mustaches and body odour. However we learn: “A study […]

Gordoom’s Personality Located

June 16, 2009 at 2:02 am

It may have taken about 120,000 years trapped beneath a block of ice in Greenland, but McBroon’s personality has finally been located. A tiny microbe has awoken. The long-lasting bacteria may hold clues to what life forms might exist on other planets – including the one on which Gordoom still […]

Brown White Wash

June 16, 2009 at 12:11 am

Image via the superb GOT but fury and indignation courtesy of TheEye. Calm start and deep breaths as this is a non-sweary blog…although it might not be by the end of this f**king post. Right. So you have a war or two. Just about everybody in the House of Commons […]

Finally, A Kosher Search Engine

June 15, 2009 at 10:52 pm

In oddness we find that religiously devout Jews barred by rabbis from surfing the Internet may now “Koogle” it on a new “kosher” search engine. Yossi Altman said Koogle, a play on the names of a Jewish noodle pudding and Google, appears to meet the standards of Orthodox rabbis, who […]

EU Constitution A Done Job

June 14, 2009 at 1:10 pm

Now TheEye would be interested to know about David Vance’s views as somebody who lives across the water, but Ken Clarke seems to think that the Republic will be successfully bullied in to voting YES on the EU Constitution second time around and that means that the Conservatives will back […]

Only Delaying The Inevitable

June 14, 2009 at 11:36 am

On Wednesday the SNP and Plaid Cymru used their Opposition Day to put down a motion in the House of Commons to dissolve Parliament and hold a General Election. TheEye will research the wording of the motion as it probably would have to be a petition to Her Majesty asking […]

How Have We Sunk So Low?

June 14, 2009 at 10:29 am

This is Parochial News…move along if you don’t fancy a peek into the overseas life. As per an earlier post, the Pipes and Drums of RAF Leuchars performed for the Queen’s Birthday at The Tower (the Semaphore Tower in the heart of the dockyard in Gibraltar) It is a magnificent […]

Echo Chamber

June 14, 2009 at 8:00 am

A Defence debate was held last Thursday in the House of Commons. Take a look at the picture of the event itself and look at how many MP’s could be bothered to turn up. A smattering of Tories but one…count them all…one…Labour backbencher present. Scandalous. As a famous Oliver once […]

Obama Hovers From On High

June 13, 2009 at 9:30 pm

From Charles Krauthhammer in yesterday’s Washington Post…a worrying analysis of B Hussein Obama’s ideas on “Moral Equivalency”. “Even on freedom of religion, Obama could not resist the compulsion to find fault with his own country: “For instance, in the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for […]