Stick It Where The Sun Doesn’t Shine
TheEye is busy with the General Election here in Gibraltar and much depends on the result here on the 8th December. TheEye’s job, for a start.
On the campaign trail trying to keep things on an even keel…we shall see…but an interesting (for us locally) statement from the idiot europhile “Conservative” Minister that the Liberals allowed to represent us sell us out in the Foreign Office in the UK (bold stuff added for emphasis):
However one thing matters above all other issues. The UK government have betrayed us before with direct and underhand negotiations with Spain on the subject of soveriegnty. So it is with some relief but deep suspicion that we welcome…
Nine days after the Popular Party swept into power in Spain, the British Government has underscored its long-standing assurance that it will not talk about Gibraltar’s sovereignty against the wishes of its people.
The PP said in its electoral manifesto that it would seek a return to bilateral talks with the UK over Gibraltar, but the message from Britain this week was clear.
David Lidington, Minister of State for Europe and NATO at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, set out Britain’s position in a response to a question in the House of Commons.
Tory MP Andrew Rosindell had asked if Britain had recently discussed the sharing of Gibraltar’s sovereignty with Spain.
Mr Lidington said Britain’s Foreign Minister, William Hague, had not discussed Gibraltar’s sovereignty with Spain.
“Any communication that we have with the Spanish Government about Gibraltar reflects our clear position on sovereignty, which is that the UK will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass under the sovereignty of another state against their wishes and, furthermore, the UK will not enter into a process of sovereignty negotiations with which Gibraltar is not content,” he added.
Shove it. Sideways. We don’t trust any of you now.
The moment a politician, any politician starts promising to “protect” your interests .. you just know that there are plans in existence to butt-fuck you (without benefit of lube) ..
Bastards, all of ’em ..