Trafalgar Day 2011
On 21st October 1805 the Royal Navy, commanded by Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson won a famous and decisive victory over the combined French and Spanish fleets at the Battle of Trafalgar (for an excellent overview try here.)
Trafalgar Day, for the benefit of TheEye’s overseas readers, is the annual celebration and commemoration of the triumph.
This evening TheEye will raise a glass and drink a toast to the “Immortal Memory”. And as it is Friday..will drink a second to the traditional Royal Navy dedication for that day “A willing foe and sea room”.
The original toast of “The Immortal Memory of Lord Nelson and those who fell with him” was used and reinstated by HM The Queen on the 200th anniversary, and is drunk in silence as a mark of respect.
On Wednesday evening TheEye was at the Rock Hotel on the same table at dinner as the splendid MEPs Dan Hannan, Roger Helmer and David Campbell-Bannerman – spending time here in Gibraltar on a factfinding visit. Today in the Telegraph and written whilst he was here, Dan Hannan MEP writes Gibraltarians understand what it means to be British. Do we? and says:
Where better to celebrate Trafalgar Day than in that most demonstratively loyal of all Her Majesty’s realms and possessions, Gibraltar – whither HMS Victory limped back after the battle, bearing Nelson’s corpse preserved in a barrel of brandy, camphor and myrrh.
So for those of you in TheEye’s local area, please join me at the Act of Remembrance at the Trafalgar Cemetery at 12 noon on Sunday 23 October. Members of the Royal Navy will mark the anniversary in the company of the Chief Minister, the Governor and Commander British Forces Gibraltar. The Commanding Officer, Royal Navy Gibraltar, Commander Mark Williams, will lay wreaths on the graves of those who died as a result of the Battle.
There will be other events over the weekend too, so please take part and don’t ever let this bit of history fade away.
The Immortal Memory
I only wish I were able to join you Eye ..
Its been a good many years since I visited the Trafalgar Cemetery (when last in Gib, whilst serving aboard HMS Intrepid) ..
I shall however be with you all in spirit ..
“The Immortal Memory” …
Per Mare Per Terram ..
As with the good Captain, I shall be with you in spirit but, alas, not in person. I raised a tot of Pusser’s at just after seven bells of the forenoon (“England expects…”) and thought of those finest of men. It seems improbable that we will see their like again. Just when we could do with them too..
Thank you, CH.
I enjoyed your post here over on Max Farquar and if anyone here hasn’t seen it yet then it’s well worth a read.
As we know, the real problem is the people who are in charge of them. And put red ink across their budgets.
There are fine men and women serving us right now, including fellow blogger here at ASE – St Crispin – just back from duty last week and who was hoping to be stopping off in Gib on his way home.
…which was a shame, because blogmeets here are great and a Trafalgar Day run ashore would have topped the lot.
“which was a shame, because blogmeets here are great and a Trafalgar Day run ashore would have topped the lot” …
Maybe that’s something we could look towards for next year Eye ?
It would certainly be good to put names to faces & have a good “run” into the bargain ..
Doesn’t have to be a “get totally hand-carted” run either .. A few wets, a few dits and big eats, in convivial company will do for me .. 😉
I try to mention them in advance on here but sometimes the notice has been a bit short in the past, I accept.
Will try harder to give plenty of warning for the next one!
Thanks for the history lesson, Eye– I hope it was a nice ceremony!
It was just as it should have been….poignant, reflective and emotional.
Several local readers of the blog turned up which was great. But I was absolutely floored by another chap who said in random conversation “I haven’t been to this before but a local blogger called…suggested that we made the effort…”
I was amazed by the chance comment, but not as amazed as he was when I introduced myself as that blogger!