Great Excuses
I was really drunk at the time.
Most of us have used that one. Some of us more than once. And that’s just counting this week.
Great news for blaggers everywhere, then, from the always entertaining Albuquerque Journal:
Sunland Park Mayor Martin Resendiz admitted in court-related proceedings that he was drunk when he signed nine contracts with a California company suing the city for $1 million.
“The day I signed … I had way too much to drink. It was after 5 p.m. and I signed it (the contracts) and I didn’t know what I was signing,” Resendiz wrote in response to questions from lawyers for the architectural design firm Synthesis+. “My sister had to pick me up.”
TheEye is paying close attention to this court case – if he gets away with it then no contract will ever be safe again….which will be amusing to say the least.
Source here but it needs some effort to get past the ads
Eye, I had read briefly on this story and do not believe a word this “mayor” says. It is a “one hand washes the other” or backroom deal in plain sight.
It would seem politics is defining transparency by bringing corruption from behind closed doors into the light of day. This is of course is not to punish it but rather to get the masses used to it as the new norm.
Here in the U.S. with Obamacare, well this is a classic case study of exactly what I speak of.
I’m absolutely sure that you are right and it’s an inventive way to escape a corruption investigation.
Unsurprising to note that he is a Democrat.
One of the best excuses I ever heard, from a bloke who was adrift, was ..
“The Budgie must have got out of its cage during the night and landed on the button of my alarm clock, so it didn’t go off” ..
He still got 14 days “Nines” … >:o
“Signing contracts when drunk is like making love to a beautiful woman”
Oh bollocks – wrong sketch….