Unbiased Media?
From here and how depressingly true.
The chorus of demands for Islamic terrorism to be disregarded now or somehow placed on an equal basis with a lone gunman have already reached fever pitch in the gutter appeasement sections of the Guardian (search for your own links to KommentenMachtFrei if you wish but no linky traffic provided from here.)
The BBC also quote “…campaigners say…” too often for it to be an accident. Odd how they are always unnamed ‘campaigners’ and what they say always fit the BBC agenda, but hey ho. That’s your telly tax money at work.
It was clear that he acted to get his day in Court but I somewhat doubted whether he would be allowed his say but, to be fair, here is the judges summing up in todays Telegraph.
” “The accused believes he needed to carry out these acts to save Norway and western Europe from cultural Marxism and Muslim takeover.
“The objective of the attacks was to give a sharp signal to the people. The accused wishes to induce the greatest-possible loss to the Labour Party so that in the future it will limit new recruitment. The accused said the Labour party has failed the country and the price of their treason is what they had to pay yesterday.”
Lets see/hear what the BBC does.
Knights Templar 2083
The Press/Media reaction is both predictable & of a standard one has come to expect over the last 14 years ..
With no sign of balance being re-introduced anytime soon ..
One hundred pages of “campaigners say” citations via bBC Views Online
That is a very enlightening search result!
The last bit is the depressing part. Never going to happen with the Libs as part of the coalition but even the Tories governing alone wouldn’t have the balls to tackle the BBC.
I see they’ve made the trial in camera to avoid giving him as much publicity as he was looking for. But truth will out and we’ll hear his side of the story. It will take some careful reading across a pile of sites though – and the BBC won’t be one of them – but we’ll know.
The last thing they want is the kind of popular oposition which has arisen in America, to grow become powerful in Europe. They will stop at nothing and stoop to any low to achieve their objective.