With every newsreader and lazy journalist in the world apparently ignorant of what the word ‘hacking’ actually means, it’s about time that some of the real gurus in the field made themselves available.
LulzSec have taken down a raft of News International sites, including The Times, the Sunday Times, the Sun, the old News of the World site and News International itself. They’ve also compromised an older Sun test server and retrieved a raft of address lists and contact details which they are releasing. It’s not up to date but it is nevertheless interesting to those who are interested in such things.
This morning the sites listed above are just down, but before they collapsed entirely readers of the Sun were directed to a spoof news story supposedly reporting the death of Rupert Murdoch.
TheEye will be patiently waiting for a refund on the recently purchased iPad Times subscription…and waiting, and waiting, probably.
All of this nonsense leads us to the newest and breaking story of the Murdochalypse*….why can’t LulzSec work out how to use apostrophes?
* Copyright SeanT of PoliticalBetting
But Wikileaks was a-okay!
What a witch hunt.
“Hacking” essentially means, that you buy yourself a virtual computer programme, set it up within the confines of your own system giving it only the characteristics that you choose it to have…I.E, no silly little give aways like I.P. addresses or host providers, then immerse yourself into the world teaching yourself something along href=”http://www.openwall.com/john/“>These Lines
Then once you feel able, apply your newly found wisdom to small targets initially, until you become ever more competent, and then one day, who the hell knows, you too maybe able to go after targets such as News International or the ghastly BBC yourself, knowing fine well that if you do break through their fail safes you can’t be fingered, as all you need do is delete your virtual computer from within your own system…..You can’t be found, even by our esteemed masters, because the virtual computer that you created yourself was exactly that….Virtual…..It never existed at all.
Whoops, wrong sort of system to attempt an HTML style live link to.