Welcome To The Jungle
The path from dhimmitude to Islamization continues in Australia:
A Muslim woman sentenced to six months’ jail for making a deliberately false statement that a racist policeman tried to forcibly remove her burka has been freed on appeal.
Judge Clive Jeffreys said he was not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt it was Carnita Matthews, a 47-year-old Muslim woman from Woodbine, NSW, who accused the police of racism because the person who handed in the complaint to police was wearing a burka at the time.
To reach the level of proof of identity to prove the case, it appears Mrs Matthews would have been required to identify herself by lifting her burka at the police station to prove her identity – which is what started the uproar in the first case.
Surely there can’t be a violent mob involved? Ah yes, it seems there is:
More than a dozen Muslim supporters linked arms and began chanting “Allah Uh Ahkbar” as they stormed out of Downing Centre, Sydney, with Mrs Matthews concealed behind them.
Tempers soon rose and they began jostling with police after several members of the group began attacking TV cameramen.
Mrs Matthew’s lawyer Stephen Hopper defended them, saying: “They are obviously happy with the result and are expressing it in a way that is culturally appropriate to them”.
Culturally appropriate? Yes, for deranged savages it probably is.
““They are obviously happy with the result and are expressing it in a way that is culturally appropriate to them”.
WTFF! This makes me want to reach for a shotgun and start shooting.
Two barrels? Never going to thin out their ranks fast enough.
Assault rifle bare minimum with a backpack full of claymores.
Nah…. Kenny Everett had the right idea – “Round them up, put them in a field, and BOMB THE BASTARDS“