Osama – The “Real” Story
For our overseas readers who don’t know, the Sunday Sport is the lowest of the low when it comes to newspapers. The most embarrassing of UK tabloid rubbish. It makes the National Enquirer in the US look professional. Relaunched today and don’t you wish it hadn’t been.
So, in keeping with the post below and again with thanks to that splendid chap microdave…AllSeeingEye brings you the not-online story that the world has been waiting for.
…without realising that you were.
Wait for the punchline….wait for it….
…wait for it….
Nothing in the world can take back the time you’ve just spent thinking about that.
No charge.
I just used that same monkey photo on my “Cinema Steve” blog this past week. I should send those fellows a resume. Clearly, they are a publication of high standards and exceptional taste!
ROFL! Thanks for the giggle.
Adds a whole new dimension to the expression “Pumping Poo” .. eh Eye ? … >:o
“Taxi for Haddock ? .. I’ll just grab me coat” .. 😉
What’s up with Max? This time I’m getting a shirty ‘account suspended’.
Hi WoaR … still here. The site blew up another server last night, due to volume of traffic, so we were down for a short while. Maybe you have to clear your cache, or some such teccie thing, so that you can access the new server? Or maybe just go to google and pick up a fresh link? Sorry but I’m not very teccie … the site is there though ;- )
Splendid stuff, love the hubris of Obama reading a mock up of their own paper.
“The site blew up another server last night, due to volume of traffic”
Now would that be due to Max’s own efforts, ASE’s “Super Injunction Quiz”, or my own “Sport” offerings??
Ho, Hum…..
“He was a shitting duck”
I nearly choked laughing.
Ohhh, that was hilarious! My ribs hurt now!